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A State String belongs to a State and contains a String that has a special meaning for the owner State. For example, typing this String may be part of a Transition for this State but not for other States.


private String name

private Region searchRegion
We may need to hover over or click on a region before typing the string. Not used by Brobot but can be used in an application.

private StateEnum ownerStateName

private int timesActedOn

private String string


public boolean defined() The StateString is defined if its string is neither null nor empty.

public static class InNullState creates a StateString in the NULL State.

public void addTimesActedOn() increments the times acted on by 1.

Builder Methods

public Builder called(String name)

public Builder withSearchRegion(Region searchRegion)

public Builder inState(StateEnum stateName)

public StateString build(String string)